Saturday, May 21, 2011

SBTRKT - Wildfire (ft. Little Dragon) Drake Remix

Looks like Aubrey Graham is coming back strong with a remix of SBTRKT's Wildfire. However, even with a strong first opening bar from Drake the track is pretty much untouched, leaving the soulful vocal performance of Yukimi Nagano of Little Dragon to fill a lot of the bass heavy song. Wildfire looks to appear off of SBTRKT's self titled LP which will drop June 28. 

SBTRKT - Wildfire (ft. Little Dragon) Drake Remix

Look of The Day

Tejal Patni - Artist of the Day

Tejal Patni continues to be one of my favorite photographers. As I was going through his portfolio you see him work from playful to an almost Alfred Hitchcock, The Birds kind of semblance. Patni appears to have an affection for the 1950s and '60s, profiling the time periods in many of his photos. However, he seems able to capture any time period/object with a captivating nuanced look at how we see (or imagined) the everyday.    

Friday, May 20, 2011

Drake - Dreams Money Can Buy

This gem emerges as Noah Shebib aka "40" produces this Jai Paul refix of BTSU. Drake seems to be hitting the studio again after a bit of a break.  Take a listen and look out for Take Care, Mr. Graham's second LP.

Drake - Dreams Money Can Buy 

Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford "Thing Called Love" Official Music ...